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48-hour preview on projects

Analyse the projects before they open to financing.

Matthieu de Fréminville avatar
Written by Matthieu de Fréminville
Updated over a week ago
  • Projects are published at least 48 hours before they open for lending.

  • You will only receive a notification or e-mail when the project opens for lending.

Projects are visible on the platform at least 48 hours before they open for lending. All lenders have access to the information available on the project page: 

During this period, you will be able to analyse the project, but you will not be able to lend

When do you notify me? 

We will not send any notification when the project is published on the platform: the only notification you will receive is when you can start lending. In order to analyse projects in advance, please check our projects page regularly. In the preview period, the project page will also include information on when exactly the project is available for lending.

Why have we chosen to publish projects 48 hours before their opening to investment? 

We used to open projects for lending at the same time as we publish them on the platform. This could result in users rushing into lending without taking the time to evaluate a project. Because the key to crowdlending is that investors decide themselves where their money goes, we think this was problematic over the medium term.

We are convinced introducing this preview period represents a very positive change for lenders as it will allow them to continue to review projects and knowingly exercise their choice.

This practice is encouraged by the Dutch regulator. As our aim as a platform is to apply best practices for all our lenders across Europe, and that we believe it is in their interest, we have chosen to apply this not only in the Netherlands but everywhere.

You can ask us your questions about a project via e-mail at [email protected] or via the chat. To preserve the same level of information to all our lenders we cannot answer questions about a company if the information is not stated on the project page. 

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